
EXTERNAL: Kalinga (Care) Film Screening

CharityVillage Presents Films to Change the World, a new initiative to serve Canada’s nonprofits and the causes they support, in partnership with Story Money Impact. Throughout the year, we’ll present impact films that bring focus to some of the most challenging issues of our time, and an opportunity to learn how these films can serve your organization, engage your constituencies, and educate your communities.

The October/November film, Kalinga (Care), shares the stories of several Filipina caregivers and nannies in Vancouver, bearing witness to their sacrifices as they struggle to reunite with their children and families, and mapping out the emotional landscapes of migrant labour. Despite the sacrifice these caregivers make to support their families, the work of nannies isn’t properly honoured by their communities or themselves. The film seeks to change that by telling this powerful story and providing a dialogue around the issues. After viewing the film, please visit to view the discussion with director Kent Donguines and film-participant Maria Facundo-Lilly.

Register for the virtual screening, and you will be emailed a link to access the film. It is free to register and you can watch the film at your convenience! Click here to register.

EXTERNAL: We are sharing this event on behalf of our friends at the Pacific Postpartum Support Society. The event is not being hosted by Whistler Public Library, and therefore may be updated, changed, or canceled with little notice.


Nov 04 2022


All Day


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