Don’t have a library card? Email to register.
Thousands of digital books and audiobooks, as well as a new collection of magazines, to read or listen to on your computer or download to your mobile device.
Libby app by Overdrive: iOS | Android | Windows
Need help? OverDrive tutorial
Instantly available audiobooks to borrow and stream on your browser, phone, or tablet. Borrow up to 5 items per month.
Hoopla app: iOS | Android
Need help? Hoopla tutorial
Bibliothèque numérique de la Colombie-Britannique by Cantook Station
A collection of French language ebooks and audiobooks for all ages from Canadian and international publishers.
Une collection de livres numériques et audionumériques pour tous les âges en langue française provenant de maisons d’éditions canadiennes et internationales.
Aldiko Next app: iOS | Android
Need help? Cantook Station help guide
Whistler Public Library recognizes the financial support of the Province of British Columbia and the Government of Canada through the Canada-British Columbia Agreement on French-language Services.
Whistler Public Library reconnait le soutien financier de la province de la Colombie-Britannique et du gouvernement du Canada par le biais de l’Entente Canada-Colombie-Britannique relative aux services en français.
National Network for Equitable Library Service (NNELS)
Thousands of books in accessible formats available to readers who have print disabilities. Unlimited access with no wait times. Once your WPL account has been updated with your print disability, you will be able to sign into NNELS with your WPL barcode and password.
Need help? NNELS tutorials
Accessible Reading BC
A new collection of accessible ebooks from BC publishers available to all BC residents. Unlimited access with no wait times. Sign in with your WPL barcode and password. After downloading your ebook, you are able to load it into your favourite reading application.
Need help? Accessible Reading BC tutorials
Talking picture books that help kids learn how to read.
TumbleBooks app: iOS | Android
Need help? TumbleBooks tutorial