
Online Courses

Don’t have a library card? Email to register.
Experience the joy of making with thousands of award-winning video classes taught by top designers and artists. Plus templates, patterns and recipes.

Need help? Creativebug tutorial

LinkedIn Learning (formerly 
Over 16,000 video courses in business, software, technology, and creative skills, taught by recognized industry experts. Courses are offered in English, French, German, Japanese, Spanish, Mandarin, and Portuguese.

LinkedIn Learning app: iOS | Android  Library ID = whistlerlibrary
Need help? LinkedIn Learning tutorial

Kermode Education
An interactive resource that helps build digital literacy and critical thinking skills by evaluating websites you use everyday. Suitable for all ages.

 To sign in, enter the first five digits of your library card.

Practice Driving Tests
Free practice driving tests based on the information in the ICBC Learn to Drive Smart driving guide.

Khan Academy
A free personalized learning resource for all ages on math, art, computer programming, economics, physics, medicine, finance, history and more.

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