
Inspire Wonder

Theme 1 of 4: Our vision is to “inspire wonder!” We’re curious . . .

How are we doing?

We’re going to ask you a few questions around four themes that are important to our vision, purpose, and values. If you’d like, you can just leave a rating out of 5 stars, or you can answer the questions to provide us with more specific feedback. No need to respond to every section – you can scroll down to the CONTINUE TO NEXT THEME! button to move along to the next theme. Make sure you hit the SUBMIT YOUR REVIEW button before you move along. Thanks for participating!

By completing this survey, you are helping Whistler Public Library collect ongoing feedback about its services, spaces, and programs. The personal information collected in this survey includes your personal opinions. By completing this survey you are providing Whistler Public Library with your consent to collect your personal information under the authority of section 26(e) of the Freedom of Information and the Protection of Privacy Act. Your personal opinions will be shared on the Whistler Public Library website and will be kept on file for one year after the project ends. If you have any questions about the collection of this information, please contact Jeanette Bruce at Whistler Public Library at

Rating summary for this section

Rated 4.9 out of 5
4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 108 reviews)

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