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The library is the place for you. Check out our selection from home or come on in and ask us!
We can help you find the resources you need, whether you need information to satisfy your personal curiosity or to fulfill school assignments. We can also help you navigate the internet or find your way through our topic selections listed below.
You can come and talk to us in person or email us to book a one-on-one research session at publicservices@whistlerlibrary.ca
- Biography.com: Â An attractive database of over 25,000 biographies on historical and contemporary figures from all over the world.
- Dictionary Of Canadian Biography Online:Â An authoritative source of information about people who played an important role in the formation of what is now Canada. Scope is limited to those who died between the years 1000 and 1930.
- Canadiana: A coalition of memory institutions dedicated to providing broad access to Canada’s documentary heritage.
- BrainPop:Â Award-winning animated, curricular content that engages students, supports educators, and bolsters achievement. During school closures, Brain Pop is offering free access!
- Community Learning Network:Â Brought together by BC’s Community Learning Network, this website divides resources into subject areas connected to the BC curriculum.
- Khan Academy: free resources for a wide variety of subjects.
- BC Archives Amazing Time Machine: Don’t be fooled by the child friendly home page, because this site has appealing material for teens and adults as well. Features many photos and documents for the British Columbia Archives.
- The Canadian Encyclopedia:Â a free bilingual online resource and the only established national encyclopedia of its kind in the world, offers the largest collection of authored, accurate, and continually updated articles focused on Canada and Canadiana.
- Canadian Great War Project: This site provides information pertaining to Canada’s participation in World War I. Included are numerous articles, war diaries, images, timetables and maps.
Language Arts
- BrainyQuote: Search for quotes by theme, author, or nationality.
- easybib:Â A free automatic bibliography composer.
- GrammarBook.com: Learn more about the rules of grammar and quiz yourself to sharpen your skills.
- List of Latin Phrases (Wikipedia):Â Provides English translations for common Latin phrases.
- My Shakespeare: Dive into the rich world of Shakespeare with full-text, interactive editions of his plays.
- Sparknotes: Study guides for a wide variety of subjects.
- Figure This! Math challenges for families: Work as a group to solve spatial and math problems. Great for the ‘non-mathematician”.
- Harvey Mudd College math tutorials: These tutorials include pre-calculus and calculus, and highlight common mistakes.
- The Mint: Learn about money: earning it, saving it, spending it, investing it, tracking it and safeguarding it.
- Eddie Woo Math Tutorials
- Virtual Nerd Math Tutorials
- MathGameTime: Math games for kindergarten to Grade 7
- Learn 4 Good: for grades 3-9
- Math is Fun: lessons and activities for K-12
- Bill Nye the Science Guy:Â Bill Nye, the guy who made science cool, applies his entertaining approach to science to the Web.
- Galileo: Journey to Jupiter:Â This site describes the journey of space probe Galileo, which explored the planet Jupiter.
- A Guided Tour of the Visible Human:Â The Visible Human Project consists of some 9,000 digitized sections of the body.
Social Studies
- Canadian War Museum: Explore virtual exhibits and take an online gallery tour to learn more about Canada’s military history.
- CBCnews.ca:Â Canada’s authoritative source for news of current events.
- Your Guide to the Religions of the World:Â This BBC site offers an introduction to Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, and Sikhism.
World History
- Artcyclopedia: an index of over 100,000 works of art.
- Canadian Museum of History:Â Explore virtual exhibits and information about all aspects of Canadian history.
- Labyrinth:Â A global information network providing free, organized access to electronic resources in medieval studies through a Web server at Georgetown University.
- The British Museum Virtual Tours: Explore virtual exhibits and find information about all kinds of world cultures.
- Virtual Museum of Canada: The largest digital source of stories and experiences shared by Canada’s museums and heritage organizations.
- World History: From the early beginning to modern times, this site traces human origins and societies through the ages.
Here are some resources to explore covering a range of health and wellness topics for teens.
Youth Health (Government of Canada)
Child & Youth Mental Health (BC)
Just Be Yourself: A Health & Wellness Guide for Trans, Two-Spirit, and Nonbinary Youth
Rainbow Connection: Whistler Rainbow Connection is a monthly social gathering where community members of different sexual & gender identities come together to meet new people, hang out, provide support but most importantly, have fun! It is presented in partnership with the Whistler Youth Centre and Whistler Community Services Society.
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