
EXTERNAL: Kermode Education Smarter, Safer, Kinder Cyber Club

Kermode Education has launched a YouTube called the SSK (Smarter, Safer, Kinder) Cyber Club. The series will feature 15-20 minute episodes at 4 p.m. PST on the second Wednesday of each month.

The episodes will explore a wide range of digital literacy topics, how to talk to your kids or students about them, current events, and have time for questions at the end. It will help us all be better digital citizens and be good for a few laughs along the way as well. Of course, anyone not able to attend during the live broadcast will be able to watch the recording on the Kermode Education YouTube channel.

Episode 1 (March 9): Paige and Sean will be talking about the difference between media literacy and digital literacy, how to explore these incredibly important topics with your students/kids, and some current events in the digital world. Click here to access the livestream.

Episode 2 (April 13): Paige and Sean will be talking about confirmation bias, how to explore this incredibly important topic with your students/kids, and some current events in the digital world. Click here to access the livestream.

Episode 3 (May 11): Paige and Sean will be talking about ADVERTISING, how to explore this incredibly important topics with your students/kids, and some current events in the digital world. Click here to access the livestream.

EXTERNAL: We are sharing this event on behalf of our friends at Kermode Education. The event is not being hosted by Whistler Public Library, and therefore may be updated, changed, or canceled with little notice.


May 11 2022


4:00 pm - 4:30 pm


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