WAITLIST SPOTS AVAILABLE: The “Am I too Old For This?” South American Bike Adventure with Danny Fedder & Janie Venis
Please note: registration for this presentation is full, but we are still taking names for the waitlist. Email publicservices@whistlerlibrary.ca and include names and phone numbers for interested participants!
Local adventurers Danny Fedder and Janie Venis recently returned from a five month cycle trip through the Andes of Bolivia, Peru, and Chile. It was their toughest trip in over 40 years of touring, and they want to share the journey with you! Join us for a video and photo presentation from their trip.
Registration is required! Email publicservices@whistlerlibrary.ca to sign up. If you’re bringing a plus one, please let us know their name and email address.
About the speakers:
Danny Fedder is an average family guy who loves the outdoors in all seasons. He prefers to travel to locations that do not have a Lonely Planet Guidebook. In another life, Danny would like to come back as a “professional adventurer ” instead of a dentist. He has been known to push his kids a bit – they may not love it at the time, but they appreciate it when they look back on their accomplishments. He also has a very special wife who happily agrees to his crazy plans.
Janie Venis is a retired ICU nurse and nurse educator. Before she retired, she juggled her work life, taking care of 3 kids, and keeping up with her husband’s idea of the ultimate adventure. Janie enjoys active travel to far-off places that includes camping, bicycle riding, walking, hiking, scuba diving and skiing. When Janie isn’t doing physical activities, she enjoys reading and learning about history and current events, watching movies, feeding her family yummy healthy meals, and socializing with her friends and family.