
EXTERNAL: Giller Power Panel: Banned Books – Censorship and the Erasure of History and Experience

The Giller Power Panels pull together creatives with a moderator each month to discuss the intersection of literature and other cultural and political expressions.

Banning books has again become a very real and ubiquitous menace to democracy. The panel will discuss the experience of having books banned or challenged and how to combat this threat to our freedom.

Moderated by Peter Midgley, the panelists include: Matt Abbott, Arlene Perly Rae, Raziel Reid and David Robertson.

The panel will take place over Zoom on Tuesday, April 25, at 7 p.m. ET (that’s 4 p.m. here in Whistler!).

Click here to register for this free event!

EXTERNAL: We are sharing this event on behalf of our friends at the Scotiabank Giller Prize Power Panels. The event is not being hosted by Whistler Public Library, and therefore may be updated, changed, or canceled with little notice.


Apr 25 2023


4:00 pm - 5:00 pm


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