
EXTERNAL: What is Anosognosia?

When someone who is diagnosed with a severe mental disorder but cannot seem to recognize or accept the fact, you might think that they are “in denial.” This is not however just a psychological defense against devastating news. Such a person likely has a lack of insight or even an inability to recognize their impaired mental and mood state. The formal medical term for this is anosognosia, from the Greek meaning “to not know a disease.” Anosognosia is not uncommon in severe mental and neurologic illnesses and is often distressing to those close to an affected person. About Anosognosia, NAMI.

Pathways Serious Mental Illness Society is delighted to once again welcome Dr. Randall F. White, Division Head for Adult Psychiatry and Mental Health Services at UBC and Medical Director for Community Mental Health Services in Vancouver, to help us delve into this topic. As a member of the UBC clinical faculty, Dr. White delivers academic lectures on a wide range of topics such as Psychosis Clinical Decision Making, Psychotic Disorders in DSM 5, and aspects of treatment resistant psychosis. Dr. White is the recipient of numerous awards and honours including the American Psychiatric Association John D. Hackett Leadership Award and the Special Service Award from the Vancouver General and UBC Hospital Medical Staff.

Registration is required – click here to sign up for this virtual presentation.

EXTERNAL: We are sharing this event on behalf of our friends at Pathways Series Mental Illness Society. The event is not being hosted by Whistler Public Library, and therefore may be updated, changed, or canceled with little notice.


Jan 21 2025


7:30 pm - 8:30 pm


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