We’re thrilled to announce the launch of a pilot project to increase Sunday operations hours. Beginning Sunday, January 14, 2024, the library will be open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Adding two hours to our day will continue every Sunday, allowing us to increase programming opportunities and provide a welcome space to spend some time at the end of a weekend, when our highways can be hectic. This change will also make our Sunday hours more consistent with the rest of the week, which we hope will help you better plan your visits!
This is a pilot project funded through the Library’s Provincial Enhancement Grant, which is intended to support library service enhancement and respond to local priorities.
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to support local library needs, and we can’t wait to see you at the end of each weekend.

Looking ahead: Sundays at the Library
Regular library visitors know that Sundays are already an exciting day at the library! Families with small children look forward to Sunday Family Storytime and Singing with the Babies, which take place every Sunday morning in the Community Room.
When Sunday afternoon rolls around, you’ll find programs for families with kids of all ages, like Sunday Fundays, and the occasional program for adults, like Journaling 101. Regardless of age or topic, if you come to a Sunday program, you’ll be hosted by our incredible Sunday programmer, Julie Burrows – she’s another reason folks love visiting us on Sundays!
You’ll also find the occasional “special event” offered on Sunday afternoons, and Sunday, January 14 is one such day! We’re excited to be hosting Sacred Beats: A First Nations Drum Circle Experience with Brandon Hall from Squamish Nation on January 14 from 3 to 4 p.m.
Brandon has built and painted a traditional hand drum for Whistler Public Library, and this workshop will be the first chance to try it out, learn how it was made, and how to use it. This special instrument will be added to our collection following the workshop, and you’ll be able to borrow it using your library card!

If you’re working or going to school from Monday to Friday, Sunday is a great day to use our space for homework, reading, or tackling a creative project.
You can check out the Wonder Lab, a flexible, technology-oriented community space with tools for video and music production, photography, audio recording, and technology exploration. If you’re the organized type, you can book this space ahead of time – click here to reserve the Sound Booth, Green Screen, Creation Station, or Digitization Station.
Folks that visit us often may have noticed that we now have two Small Meeting Rooms in our study area, perfect for up to 4 people working collaboratively. These rooms are first-come, first-served right now, but will soon be bookable, just like the Wonder Lab.